Our Mission image
Our Mission is simple.  We who are immigrants want to Share Forward. Serve and Advocate for immigrant communities.  

There are 2 major challenges facing immigrant communities today.

First, newcomers to this country are dealing with many changes at once - learn English and new social norms, find jobs, and support their kids. At the same time, they try to hold on to their old identities and values. These jolting forces collude to create an anxious and stressful life environment. They often become depressed and yearn for guidance and friendship.

Second, anti-immigrant voices are popping up in social media. They misinformed the public, conveniently blaming immigrants for much of the social issues. Those corrosive voices put every immigrant’s health and safety at risk.

To counter these 2 challenges, we who are immigrants are in a unique position to make a difference. We understand what newcomers are going through; therefore, we can befriend them and share our own experiences and offering advice. On the other hand, we can tell our stories to educate public immigrant contributions. We can use our voices to defend immigrant rights.

To achieve our mission, we will put our time and resources in two areas. One, we will build a network of immigrant volunteers and help connect them with newcomers. Two, we will use different platforms to promote, advocate, and defend immigrant rights.

Knowing we can’t do this alone; we will actively look for ways to join forces with like-minded individuals and organizations.